The TSSG webpage for PERIMETER has been updated to a new URL which can be found here.
This change is due to the redesign of the TSSG website.
Monthly Archives: April 2011
PERIMETER paper accepted to INTERNET 2011
We are delighted to announce that the PERIMETER paper entitled “Towards a Decentralized QoE Layer for the Mobile Internet” was accepted to the Third International Conference on Evolving Internet (INTERNET 2011) in Luxembourg June 19-24, 2011.
This paper written by PERIMETER partners, Martin Dobler (FHV), Jens Schumacher (FHV), Fikret Sivrikaya (TUB), Sebastian Peters (TUB), Eileen Dillon (WIT) and Gemma Power (WIT) focuses on how a decentralized QoE layer for the mobile Internet can be achieved by describing how a QoE model is defined and QoE reports are gathered, shared and distributed in the PERIMETER project.