Eileen Dillon and Frances Cleary-Grant represented TSSG-WIT at the PERIMETER project’s sixth plenary meeting, held in snowy Dornbirn Austria , 8-9 February 2010. The meeting was hosted by PERIMETER partner, Fachhochschule Vorarlberg GMBH.
Day One of the meeting was mostly devoted to technical and integration issues as the consortium strives to integrate, verify and validate the PERIMETER system code-base and demonstrates its capabilities across the project’s two federated testbeds (one in Telecommunications Software & Systems Group (TSSG), Waterford and the other in Technische Universitaet Berlin). Significant progress has been accomplished in this area thus far, especially with regard to the progress being made with the installation of the Google Android operating system on a variety of devices, including the Advent 4211-B Netbook and on the Samsung NC10.
Day 2 of the meeting consisted of a Workshop for cross-impact analysis for the project in order to identify the expected and achievable outputs and impact of this research both from an academic and industrial perspective. The consortium has been very active in the area of dissemination and a substantial amount of dissemination activities (papers, conferences, etc.) have been completed, with 34 activities recorded to date and with many more in the pipeline, the latest of which is the TSSG-WIT led paper entitled QoE Testbed Infrastructure and Services: Enriching the End User’s Experience for the upcoming TridentCom conference in Berlin, Germany in May 2010.